In parallel to running the 2025 BioFi Cultivator, the BioFi Project team will be deeply engaged in BFF Co-Design Partnerships with two of the bioregional organizing teams participating in the Cultivator. After a several month-long sensemaking and relationship building process that was guided by the question of “how to best serve the whole?” the BioFi Project carefully selected Salmon Nation CoLabs and Amazon Sacred Headwaters Alliance as its first BFF Co-Design Partners based on on a multitude of factors, not limited to:
The BioFi Project is actively seeking additional resources to support its capacity to engage in additional BFF Co-design Partnerships.
Prior to, during, and beyond the Cultivator, the BioFi Project will be walking side-by-side with these two bioregional organizing teams through the journey of bringing a BFF to life, all the while, holding the inquiry of how these two processes can best support the development journeys of all Cultivator participants and the broader BioFi community. The BioFi Project team will document the challenges and opportunities that surface, and collaborate with the Co-Design Partners to share emergent learnings in the Cultivator and in the broader BioFi Community of Practice, as appropriate.
Ultimately, we hope that by simultaneously focusing on two deep BFF Co-design Partnerships and tending relationships with all Cultivator participants and their design processes, we will be able to facilitate a “slipstream effect,” whereby the learning, innovation, and cultural influence catalyzed through these deeper engagements will offer valuable support to other bioregional organizing teams. And, we believe that each Cultivator participant has unique wisdom, experience, and innovative potential to offer other participants, and we will strategically design and facilitate for all participants to take on opportunities to share their gifts and capacity in service to the collective intelligence and capacity of the whole.