BFFs are a new type of financial institution designed to serve the bioregional movement.
BFFs can drive the decentralization of financial resource governance, aggregation of synergistic portfolios of projects, and the transition to a regenerative economy – becoming the connective tissue between financial resources and on-the-ground regenerators. They can do this by enabling capital raised from a variety of sources to flow to aggregated portfolios of systemically coordinated regenerative projects in rigorously designed, community-determined ways that support emerging bioregional economies applying fundamentally different economic logic and value systems. Rooted in the uniqueness of place and guided by Indigenous wisdom that invites us into kinship with nature, BFFs can enable the flow of capital to serve life.
Bioregional Financing Facilities: connecting financial resources and regenerators
There is a lack of connective tissue (trunk and branches) between those that hold and manage the large (and increasingly concentrated) pool of financial resources (leaves of the tree) and the coalitions of actors on the ground (regenerators) carrying out these critical regenerative activities (roots and mycelial network). BFFs can serve this function.
Capital Raising
Capital Allocation
Capital Raising
Capital Allocation
Capital Raising
Capital Allocation
Capital Raising
Capital Allocation